Willow Tree Gin 50cl
Willow Tree Gin 50cl
An adventurous spirit distilled in Bedfordshire, combining a unique blend of 12 botanicals, including fresh lemon thyme, Thai basil and cubeb. A deliciously smooth, herbaceous gin with subtle sweetness.
50p from the sale of every 50cl goes to The Forest of Marston Vale to help plant trees.
Click here for three ways to enjoy Willow Tree Gin.
Handcrafted in Bedfordshire
Smoked Botanicals
Our selectively smoked ingredients are one of the elements that set Willow Tree apart and are what give the gin its amazing flavour and richness.
Home Grown Herbs
A secret combination of 12 herbs and botanicals give Willow Tree Gin it's unique flavour and many of the herbs are grown with love right here on our farm in Bedfordshire.
Small Batch
Each bottle of Willow Tree Gin is lovingly and sustainably handcrafted in small batches for a beautiful clean finish.
Years in the Making
Our gin wasn't created overnight, it took nearly a year of experimentation to achieve the perfect balance between fresh ingredients and careful distilling processes.
“Just bought a bottle after a little taste at pecks farm. Lovely bottle of gin works well with orange and Bay will definitely be buying more.”
“I love Gin and usually stick with generic brands. However, I decided to give Willow Tree Gin a go and it has changed my view on Gin and the craft Gin industry. I love it, I won’t drink any other Gin now.”